Wednesday 6 February 2013

Three Day Road

Often choosing a book is a journey in itself. It's not a simple task, but rather a strenuous one. Indeed, people say that a book can often be defined in a couple of sentences, that with the right words, you can sum up a book. I don't buy that. That's what separates the good books from the bad ones. A good book can never be defined in a couple of sentences and must be read in order to understand it's depth and message. "Three Day Road" by Joseph Boyden is an amazing book that tells of the adventures of Xavier and Elijah, young Cree boys in the warzone. After only reading two chapters, I felt immediately connected to the book and also began to connect it with the real world. The text and imagery genuinely drew me in. I began to wonder if the aboriginals in today's society are also treated with little decency. I had never experienced the hardships that were described in the book nor had I ever imaged pain that could be so excruciating. It made me ask myself, is the world really fair? What makes me more or less human than anyone else in the world? Those were two very valid and confusing questions I asked myself. I hope that as I continue my journey, I will begin to understand the hardships of World War I and how it shaped the world we live in today.


  1. This is very well written, my good Vincent sir. :P I agree about the differences between good books and bad books. For me, good books are ones that are easy to read and is keeps me reading. Damn it

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think your inquiry questions are very interesting, I hope that you will find the answer after finishing this novel study
