Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wash Away

 Moving forward when
I sin, fightning when I crash
No regrets, just hope.

Goal of this blog

Blogging has revolutionized the way society communicates with one another. With the power of the media, people are now able to share their ideas all over the world. As I first began to write, I wanted to share my work and receive constructive criticism, thereby leading me to blogger. By sharing my writing with the web, I hope to receive helpful information. Although this is just a start, it's a great step for me in my writing career.

He used to be joyful and enjoyed each day worthwhile.
But now he mourns each day with worry and hatred upon his lonely isle
He used to triumpth when he saw the sky blue day.
But now he looks to the blue yonder for hope along the bay
He used to have aspiration when his life was aligned.
But now, He wanders while clouds drift through his mind.
He used to be alive, carefree, and well.
But now, He is grieving and believes he is stranded in hell.


Monday, 17 September 2012

"True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those who move easiest have learned to dance."
                 -Alexander Pope